Friday 30 May 2014

Plaza de Parque.

I gave this away to a lovely person from Belfast last night. Cotton Beach Club opening party - I sketched and gave people sketches :) It was a very nice evening. Cotton Beach Club is something a little bit extra special.

Saturday 17 May 2014

All OK again.

I am actually enjoying Ibiza despite the slight intervention.

Looking for a room with a view to a more permanent perspective.

Work wanted (as ever). 689 744 929

Sunday 11 May 2014

I am f***ing livid.

I am not going to let this go this time.

Spain. People of Spain; what the fuck is going on? Your banks get bailed out to the tune of €40 Billion whilst your La Liga is in debt to the banks to the tune of €20 Billion and we are told public services need to be cut. In the meantime, anyone trying to help themselves during the 'crisis' is hit with a €300 fine and has everything confiscated. Perhaps it is time you looked againd at your footballing heroes. They aren't quite the men you think they are.

Any advice on taking court action will be greatly appreciated. I am fucking well livid and ready to fight.

Occupation of a public space without permission.

€300 fine and everything confiscated for trying to do my job.

I was just sketching a scene for a client by their request. I had spoken with police previously. I went to the townhall did all the paper work. But, this morning I was charged, taken to the police station. Everything confiscated (I am down to the clothes I wear) and told to leave Ibiza, and that if I don't pay taxes in Spain I have no right to be here. All this despite the fact I have raised almost €200,000 for charities in Spain.

I am going straight back to work and to court. I will try contacting local papers tomorrow. Not sure how to go about this, but I am sick to death of being criminalised for being an artist. Fuck you Policia Local - I am up for a fight!